
Member Since: 7/2/2001
Total Mixes: 36
Total Feedback: 975

A Black Heart Painted Blue (for Yuka)

Artist Song
Puddle of Mudd  Blurry 
Our Lady Peace  Somewhere out There 
Soul Asylum  Homesick 
Matchbox 20  Long day (studio acoustic) 
Cake  Friend is a 4-letter Word 
Age of Electric  Enya 
Counting Crows  Goodnight Elisabeth 
Incubus  Stellar 
Theory of a Deadman  Say I'm Sorry 
Finger 11  1 Thing 
Marilyn Manson  Speed of Pain 
Eels  Fresh Feeling 
Spin Doctors  How Could you Want him (When you Know you Could Have me?) 
Pearl jam  Nothingman (live acoustic) 
K's Choice  In Your Room 
Matthew Good  Song for the Girl 


This is the 2nd of 2 CDs I made for Yuka, my x-gf, when I went to visit her in Japan back in August. I came very close to not giving them to her because she very nearly refused to see me. However, we got together in the end. We had dinner, drinks, she took the CDs, + we became friends. I love her all the more now, but in a pleasant new way that doesn't result in bouts of self-deprecation + insomnia. The idea behind the 2nd CD was forgiveness + the inevitability of love; ie. I'm going to love you regardless of how YOU feel, so please understand. Again, since I was working within the certain confines- using the same artists (in the same order) for both CDs- I had to make some sacrifices in regards to flow (+ occasionally mood) for the sake of theme. These are songs we heard together, songs I played for her, songs we listened to as we fell asleep together. These are songs that made me think about her long after I had left the country; these are songs that STILL make me think about her. Quick side note: this is the same girl I made my "Fallen" mix for back in the day. I hope some of you like it. Out.
image for mix


Some Other Guy
Date: 9/23/2003
I like this disc the best Dru. Nice work.
Date: 9/24/2003
What a set of cds. You're good, kid.
Dead Heaven
Date: 9/24/2003
Wow... Concept wise, this sounds like something my ex g/f would have dreamed up of. II love the tittle and the art. very nice VERY VARIED choice of music. In one word PERFECT!!!PERFECT!!!
abigail dice1
Date: 9/25/2003
wow! this is very lovely, Dru. :) I hope everything's going well for you in your part of the world...that's a wonderful Eels song. heh.
Date: 9/27/2003
Groovy concept- using the same artists, in the same order, different tracks, to convey different moods. He shoots, he scores...definately one of your best. Cheers! -AF.