ryan berkebile

Member Since: 1/21/2002
Total Mixes: 14
Total Feedback: 16

we're looking for anyone who transcends gender,friends,family,allies and everyone else.

Side A
Artist Song
friends in the mountains  guernica 
elliott smith  angel in the snow 
kolya  resuscitation 
tarentel  fear of bridges 
a minor forest  the dutch fist 
jawbreaker  ashtray monument 
pavement  here 
jeremy enigk  abegail anne 
landing  i'd feel the same 
Side B
miss murgatroid and petra haden  chill in the air 
explosions in the sky  moon is down 
sicko  mike TV 
the promise ring  miette 
pretty girls make graves  the get away 
stars of the lid  requiem for dying mothers part 1 and 2 
mogwai  two rights make a wrong 


a mix for a friend in austin, texas


Justin Duerr
Date: 12/13/2003
Kudos for Miss Murgatroid, Tarentel, A minor Forest.... I actually came across this because I'm making a taoe with the theme of it being that it is stuff no one else ever used on an aotm mix. You & one other person have miss Murgatroid! Yay!