Eduardo Charltini1

Member Since: 2/11/2004
Total Mixes: 6
Total Feedback: 4

Other Mixes By Eduardo Charltini1

CD | Single Artist
CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Mixed Genre

ICE: A Retrospective

Artist Song
Smash Mouth  Ice, Ice Baby 
Enya  Ice, Ice Baby 
The Blue Man Group  Ice, Ice Baby 
Sister Hazel  Ice, Ice Baby 
Dave Matthews Band  Ice, Ice Baby 
The Righteous Brothers  Ice,Ice Baby 
Dirty Vegas  Ice, Ice Baby 
Ace of Base  Ice, Ice Baby 
Bill Clinton On Sax  Ice, Ice Baby 
Queen  Ice, Ice Baby (Sorry You Suck) 
***Bonus Track- Sacramento Inner City Boys Choir Presents:  Ice, Ice Baby 


Here it is Folks!!! Finally a credible retrospective of Vanilla Ice's career, featuring a cover of every single Vanilla Ice song, covered by your favorite artists. How Awesome! Particular standouts include the atmospheric Enya cover of "Ice, Ice Baby," and the funky Ace of Base cover of "Ice, Ice Baby" that will make your body move like you saw the sign (sun...whatever.) However, the best track on the album is Queen's cover of "Ice, Ice Baby," yes Queen's sweet cover of a song that they say inspired them to write their spectacular "Under Pressure." This disc closes out Vanilla Ice's somewhat somber career, due mostly to his addiction to eating animal dung, with a lighthearted, breezy, and organic vibe. This disc has apparently spawned Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg to collaborate and create a made-for-HBO series about the scandal, success, and lies behind Vanilla Ice's greatest chart topping hit, "Stop That Train."


Date: 1/15/2004
Makes me want to hurl
Date: 2/6/2004
Hey, where'd you get these songs?!?

Any chance you can send them to me?