
Member Since: 4/13/2003
Total Mixes: 7
Total Feedback: 3

Other Mixes By JennyJen

CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
Cassette | Mixed Genre

January Arms

Side A
Artist Song
Explosions in the Sky  Greet Death 
a northern chorus  i dreamt the world had ended 
why?  early whitney 
the arcade fire  headlights 
pretty girls make graves  speakers push air 
death cab for cutie  a movie script ending 
ms. john soda  misco 
the american analog set  baby julie come home 
the appleseed cast  a place in line/shaking hands 
minus the bear  lets play guitar in a five guitar band 
Side B
Modest Mouse   custom concerns 
jim guthrie  all gone 
boilermaker  slow down 
grandaddy  i'm on standby 
unicorns  jellybones 
q and not u  soft pyramids 
the constantines  hyacinth blues 
cursive  the recluse 
the newfound interest in connecticut  inches 
the vermicious knid  belly grasp 
juno  january arms 


Made to send to a mysterious person, part of a mix trade on I kinda want to keep it!


rosy red berry
Date: 2/3/2004
you should enter my contest and i will love it. look it up under my profile. everyone will get a prize.
Date: 5/30/2006
i rather like this one...especially transitions on side 2