
Member Since: 4/13/2003
Total Mixes: 7
Total Feedback: 3

JennyJen's Mixes

JennyJen's Favorite Mixes

JennyJen's Mixes

CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
made for my friend sarah who moved to singapore last year. it's basically every song that i've loved while she's been gone.
Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock
Made to send to a mysterious person, part of a mix trade on I kinda want to keep it!
Cassette | Mixed Genre
made for a friend who's stuck up north all summer
CD | Theme
I needed a break from the sad mix I've been working on, so I made this one for my friend. She thinks sheep are hilarious and she's obsessed with bruces, so it should be a hit!
CD | Mixed Genre
made for a friend who's felt out of the loop for a few years
CD | Mixed Genre
Just a fun mix I made to get me through days in my windowless, black-walled office.
CD | Mixed Genre
Ahh the irony... I started to study, and realized that I didn't have a set of music to study by. So I took time away from studying to make music to study by, and now I'm too tired to study.