counter point

Member Since: 2/26/2004
Total Mixes: 4
Total Feedback: 1

Other Mixes By counter point

MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre

abstain from the hardcore beverages until you can swallow your elbow

Artist Song
Dynamite Hack  Boys in the Hood 
Beck  Loser 
Radiohead  The Bends 
Travis  Ring Out the Bell 
Nada Surf  La Pour Ca 
Radiohead  Exit Music (For a Film) 


kind of an odd mix, especially the progression from dynamite hack to radiohead.. hah. but it's what I was in the mood for, so yeah. the song by travis is one of the bonus/extra tracks on the invisible band album. the title is just something nonsensical I felt like saying. too bad I was lazy so it is kind of short...


rosy red berry
Date: 2/28/2004
wierd doesn't mean bad.. this is hella good.