boss cherry

Member Since: 9/22/2003
Total Mixes: 7
Total Feedback: 142

Other Mixes By boss cherry

CD | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Theme

"it sounds like fingernails across the moon"

Side A
Artist Song
Depeche Mode  Never Let Me Down Again 
Blonde Redhead  Hated Because of Great Qualities 
Arab Strap  Direction of Strong Man 
Built To Spill  I Would Hurt A Fly (live) 
*unknown* [possibly Melbourne, Aust. artist?]  *unknown* 
Pavement  Secret Knowledge of Backroads 
The Drutti Column  Otis 
Side B
Casiotone For The Painfully Alone  Suitcase In Hand 
Ride  Here And Now 
Sleater-Kinney   Jenny 
Mazzy Star  So Tonight That I Might See 
The Church  Under The Milky Way 
*secret . . . .  . . . . track* 


This tape is an old mix idea (side A) plus a new mix idea (Side B) It's mainly kind of melancholy, this-guitar-line-makes-me-sad, type of's pretty kind of sounds. The title is taken from the Built To Spill track....and the secret track is: The Darkness - I Believe In A Thing Called Love, and it's there to pep the listener up after hearing all the heart tugginess of the tape.....


Date: 5/28/2004
how perfect, fits my mood for the day almost insanly right...

from the passenger seat
Date: 11/3/2004
any mix with mazzy star is always awesome.. ps WHCL is hamilton college's radio station (clinton, NY.. kind of a long way from france)