
Member Since: 5/25/2004
Total Mixes: 39
Total Feedback: 63

21 Crap Artists - 21 Great Songs

Artist Song
Genesis  I Know What I Like 
Pink Floyd  Wish You Were Here 
Spiritualised  I Think I'm In Love 
Stereolab  John Cage Bubblegum 
Van Halen  Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love 
Aerosmith  I'm Down 
Rolling Stones  Faraway Eyes 
Dire Straits  Romeo And Juliet 
Radiohead  Creep 
Nirvana  Been A Son 
Liz Phair  Fuck And Run 
PJ Harvey  Dress 
Sugarcubes  Hit 
Strokes  A Stroke Of Genie-us 
Stone Roses  (Song For My) Sugar Spun Sister 
Primal Scream  Velocity Girl 
Blur  Tracy Jacks 
U2  Pride 
REM  Losing My Religion 
Fleetwood Mac  Tusk 
Eagles  Desperado 


Speaks for itself, really. A collection of the least-wanted, most-hated or just plain hugely over-rated and their one good song. Works surprisingly well.
image for mix


Date: 6/2/2004
I like many of your "Crap Artists' ....this looks pretty good to me.
Date: 6/2/2004
Aerosmith? U2? Pink Floyd? GENESIS? Love the song choices... but I disagree with the title of your mix. These bands were amazing.
Date: 6/2/2004
Ohhhhhhhhh you're going to piss a lot of people off with this one.
Date: 6/3/2004
Tantalisingly provocative. A mix designed to rattle everyone's cage;~)
Date: 6/3/2004
Love the bands, hate the songs. Take it easy-it's just a joke. If I like it-it's good. If I don't like it-well, you know...
Date: 6/3/2004
Interesting concept, the artists appearing in the list weren't expected, it is a good mix though
Date: 6/3/2004
This is pretty funny! You mixed up your concept a little on number 18, though - Pride is undoubtedly the most overrated, overplayed song U2 ever did.
Mike Eternity
Date: 6/3/2004
Dude! R.E.M. most hated and least wanted?! I understand why someone might be sick of or "not get" most of these bands, but not the craft of Michael Stipe. And "Losing My Religion", like 12vman said about "Pride", is the worst song you could have chosen to represent the goodness of its artist. Anything offo "Automatic for the People" would have been better. Still, still, I must agree about Fleetwood, the Eagles, Pink Floyd, Radiohead, Stereolab, Blur, and PJ Harvey, except that they don't have ANY good songs whatsoever. As for U2, how about "All I Want is You? Or "Rape Me" or "Lake of Fire" for Nirvana? Sorry, the mix just instantly inspires argument. Well-done in that regard, and I admire the inventive approach you took. Sometimes you get tired of seeing the exact same ideas and songs on almost all of the mixes here. Great concept and decent execution (I just can't wholeheartedly abide by your choices)

And lastly, "Fuck and Run"? More like "Polyester Bride"! :)
Date: 6/4/2004
Yes, I'd have had 'New Years Day' for U2, left off Pink Floyd and Dire Straits (both just irredeemingly awful)... great idea tho. I'm confused about Stereolab though. How do you settle for 'John Cage' and not their two dozen tracks that sound exactly like it?
Date: 6/4/2004
Ok The title of your mix sucks. I would have argument too defend almost every act on this. I take deepiest insult to PJ, Radiohead and Nirvana. Clearly the only songs uve heard from these bands are the commercially succesful ones.
Date: 6/4/2004
Um ... I like "Pride". I hate myself for liking it, but I do like it.

Ditto "Losing My Religion"

Bands I excluded because I find them completely irredeemable include Yes and all the Lymp Kornz of this world.

"John Cage Bubblegum" is a song with memories for me -- which is why I like it.

And Pullme? You're an idiot.
Date: 6/5/2004
Huge thumbs up just for rocking the boat (and making a rocking mix). Sure I disagree with you on many of the bands and many of songs, but that's the fun of this kind of mix and/or list. And anybody that takes "deepest insult" to this kind of thing needs to lighten up a little. Ten years ago several of these bands would have been on my list of the same concept, but age has warmed me up to Genesis, Pink Floyd, and Fleetwood Mac. REM have gone between the "love em" and "never have to hear them again" side many times in 20 years. Eagles I'm now up to three or four songs that don't make me want to kill somebody - but "Desparado" is not one of them. Again, I salute my brutha. How many pound of crap were you actually able to get into that five pound bag?
Date: 6/26/2004
The comments by Mike & Pullmeoutofwhatever are even funnier than the mix itself. And while I'd disagree on some of the artistes (Stereolab? Primal Scream? There sure is stuff much worse than that!) and some of the songs (ANYthing by REM and/or Radiohead is totally irredeemable), I'll have to admit to the rather shameful fact that I used to like U2's "Pride" quite a bit at the time (haven't played it in 15 years, though) and occasionally take quite a nostalgically-tinted liking in late-70s Fleetwood Mac. But, uh, where's Bob Dylan? (Jus' kiddin'.)
Date: 7/6/2004
ha ha where's "the laughing gnome" ("that's his best song!" - some friend of mine)
Pop Kulcher
Date: 7/15/2004
Nice concept, though I have to wonder how much of this was deliberately meant to provoke -- Calling R.E.M. and the Stones "crap" seems absurd, and I can't imagine finding only one redeemable track in the Floyd canon (especially if giving consideration to the brief Barrett era). But there are plenty of immensely overhyped bands who have a decent track or two but no albums worth listening to (the Strokes being the ideal example here). Eagles may be the best example of a truly crappy band but one with maybe a single song worthy of being considered a guilty pleasure -- me, I'd take "In The City," but that's a Joe Walsh ringer I suppose.
Date: 8/22/2004
U Forgot The Beatles!