
Member Since: 6/6/2004
Total Mixes: 3
Total Feedback: 0

Other Mixes By hellomello19

CD | Mixed Genre

Musical Edukayshun pt.2

Artist Song
The Rapture  Out of the Races and Onto the Tracks 
U2  The Sweetest Thing 
Ann Peebles  I Can't Stand the Rain 
Neutral Milk Hotel  The King of Carrot Flowers pt.1 
Jimi Hendrix  Fire 
Elliott Smith  Needle in the Hay 
Beach Boys  God Only Knows 
The Smiths  How Soon is Now 
Ben Folds  Gone 
Modest Mouse  Karma Payment Plan 
Rufus Wainwright  Poses 
The Velvet Underground  Sweet Jane 
The Streets  Don't Mug Yourself 
The Strokes  Under Control 
Yo La Tengo  Autumn Sweater 
Radiohead  Karma Police 
Ryan Adams  Wonderwall 
Rolling Stones  Ruby Tuesday 
The Shins  New Slang 
Smashing Pumpkins  Tonight, Tonight 
The Velvet Underground  After Hours 

