
Member Since: 2/22/2003
Total Mixes: 12
Total Feedback: 19

Other Mixes By NickTwisp

CD | Single Artist
CD | Single Artist

Bright Eyes, Low Clouds

Artist Song
Bright Eyes  If Winter Ends 
Bright Eyes  A Scale, a Mirror, and Those Indifferent Clocks 
Bright Eyes  Drunk Kid Catholic 
Bright Eyes  Going For the Gold  
Bright Eyes  Nothing Gets Crossed Out 
Bright Eyes  From a Balance Beam  
Bright Eyes  Haligh, Haligh, a Lie, Haligh  
Bright Eyes  Oh, You Are the Roots That Sleep Beneath My Feet and Hold the Earth In Place 
Bright Eyes  A Song to Pass the Time 
Bright Eyes  The City Has Sex 
Bright Eyes  Lover I Don't Have to Love  
Bright Eyes  Touch  
Bright Eyes  When the Curious Girl Realizes She is Under Glass 
Bright Eyes  Padraic My Prince  
Bright Eyes`  You Will, You Will, You Will You 
Bright Eyes  A Perfect Sonnet 
Bright Eyes  First Day of My Life (Live on KCRW's Morning Becomes Eclectic 10-04-03)  
Bright Eyes  The Movement of a Hand 


There are several Bright Eyes compilations in the Art of the Mix archive. Most of these mixes, however, rely heavily on either educating others about Bright Eyes, or to serve only as a list for self-gratification (or self-loathing in the case of Bright Eyes' music). This mix seeks not to compile rare songs, b-sides, singles, live versions, remixes, or covers either. It is exclusive in fact to Bright Eyes and does not rely on Obersts other musical outlets (The Desaparecidos, for example, may be actually be stronger work of Obersts than Bright Eyes). But simply, they are just not the same. I made this to appeal mostly to the seasonal affect some of Bright Eyes songs seemed either concerned with or made from. With little doubt I suspect Oberst is at least somewhat affected by location and the seasons. In many cases we may like to think we "hear" the cold and the emptiness of a January day in Omaha on "If Winter Ends." Or we might "feel" the midwestern winds blowing on the chords of "Going for the Gold," while they play from a lonely wooden front porch. It's crap really, but I feel I share this assumed notion of seasonal affect and thus, this mix was made to reflect this notion. It plays remarkably well on long drives, and it being the fall season, the music fits right in. I hope someone shares this sentiment of the mix and enjoys it as much as I did.


Date: 11/2/2004