chad lamasa123

Member Since: 2/11/2004
Total Mixes: 10
Total Feedback: 0

Other Mixes By chad lamasa123

Cassette | Electronic - Industrial
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Theme

your fatal embrace

Side A
Artist Song
dead bodies everywhe  korn 
dragula  rob zombie 
falling  gravity kills 
i jus' lie  snot 
unkind  accumen nation 
faith  limp bizkit 
safety dance  20 dead flower child 
s + m (a love song)  kidney thieves 
braintrash (live)  swamp terrorists 
hangtime  kilgore smudge celeb 
sevendust klotera  drain sth 
crystal method  steal 
awake  the clay people 
Side B
grouch  schnitt acht 
headhunter  front 242 
breathe  ministry 
bottom  tool 
oh the guilt  nirvana 
space lord  monster magnet 
puss  the jesus lizard 
got the life  korn 
tom sawyer (remix)  rush 
hole  too close to hate 
fuck all  atari teenage riot s 
leatherstrip head li  devo 
surface patterns  front line assembly 


the second of two tapes for vlad (see you think you're hurting now?... mix). i trade to make a more mixed genre tape this time but it still wound up being mostly industrial. oh well it's all good stuff. a few cool covers and a few cool remixes. check out the bands you haven't heard of on here they're all worth the money, especially 20 dead flower children and the clay people. two if my new favorites. again vlad, enjoy!
