
Member Since: 3/21/2005
Total Mixes: 2
Total Feedback: 3

Other Mixes By ashlyle

Cassette | Theme

Vive La Snatch!

Side A
Artist Song
Bikini Kill  I Like Fucking 
Lita Ford  Kiss Me Deadly 
Sleater-Kinney  Be Yr Mama 
Tuscadero  Nancy Drew 
Belly  Slow Dog 
Mary Lou Lord  He'd Be a Diamond 
Dolly Parton  Jolene 
The Gossip  Fire Sign 
Siouxsie & the Banshees  Peek-a-boo 
Peaches  Set It Off 
Hole  Violet 
Team Dresch  Fagetarian & Dyke 
Side B
The Slits  Newtown (Peel Session) 
Le Tigre  The The Empty 
Helium  Pat's Trick 
Sleater-Kinney  Get Up 
Joan Jett  Bad Reputation 
Slant 6  Don't You Ever? 
New Pornographers  Mass Romantic 
Liz Phair  Jealousy 
Velocity Girl  I Can't Stop Smiling 
The Go Go's  We Got the Beat 


I've gotten into so many fights with my guy friends/boyfriends over us girls' ability, or supposed lack thereof, to rock it on out. Usually the argument goes something like: "It's not that I have a problem with chicks who rock, there just aren't really many out there. So it's not my fault I don't listen to any." Finally I just made a mix. The rule being: the band doesn't have to be all-girl, per se, but must be girl-fronted and have a dominant chick presence (i.e. The Gossip, Helium, Velocity Girl, etc.). I'm also counting the New Pornographers cause Neko's clearly rockin' the shit out of Newman's song here. Last note: despite the utter train wreck of a human being that Courtney Love's become, I stand by Live Through This as a pretty solid album.

Oh, also, the title comes from a joke my friend Cara and I have that it's not "girlie" music, it's "snatchtastic."


Joey Monotone
Date: 3/22/2005
this tape rocks more than any guy could. the team dresch song is one of my favorites ever.
Date: 3/22/2005
wow dolly parton and le tigre.... who would have thought they went together... its like biscuits and pop rocks. who knew?!