For serene, blissful vibes during long spells spent in Heaven's foyer. Suitable for smooth trippy mind voyages and poems about color. Lyric-free, dancefloor-free, buzzkill-free.
The punks assemble to roast meat and drink brews. Circa 2009
2010 - I had just been in a car accident and this is the mix I made for the day we went out looking for a replacement. Viva El Diablo - my red nissan sentra two-door, still the best car I've ever owned …
Around 2014, I bought a car with a standard transmission, a working cassette player, and not much else. I made these tapes out of whatever CDs i owned, to be good for road trips or drowning out the guy …
Scary motorscooters…. Like a Stevie King flick…. Make the witches ride a broom…. Like a dog, flea, and tick.
Songs you might have heard in early 00s teen comedy. Not many of my favorite artists but really fun songs. What am I missing?
The best of Al Yankovic and one cover.
I've found albums harder to get into this year, but there have been some great ones and lots of excellent songs - hence, I think, this ridiculously long playlist! A couple of 2019 songs have got on: <1 …