
View all Dance - Exercise mixes.

Dance - Exercise

The 'ultimate mix challenge'reminded me of this game, where you usually have to use the first letter of someone's last name for the first letter of the next person's first name and so on... Don't know  …
make your dreams out of papier mache, persian guy with a hindi accent. all the world's your ashtray, yeah what can i get for 10 dollahhh? anything you want. roni size track thrown in to save face.
A running mix I made for a friend
Second ITunes playlist turned mix CD, this time for a more specific purpose. I've found that cuts from my increasing collection of J-Pop made for the best cardio music when I go have my workouts. I'd b …
an example of a mixed tape for a girl.
by Vixen
I made this mix to get myself back into working out after being sick for several months-just my favorite songs to sweat to!
This will probably the last time I volunteer to make a cassette for someone to listen to while running....I'm just way too eclectic, so it wasn't satisfying to me, and probably will still be too eclect …
Perfect for a lot of different categories, like mixed, rock/pop, road trip, hardcore, even hip-hop, but i chose to put it into the "exercise" category because it seemed to be lacking in entries.
As an Fitness Professional, I have found that my love and secondarytrade as a DJ, has given me THE cutting edge to stay ahead ofall my fellow co-workers. The first of each month I get new releases, dem …
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