Cowtown Posse12

Member Since: 2/11/2004
Total Mixes: 26
Total Feedback: 33

Cowtown Posse12's Mixes

Cowtown Posse12's Favorite Mixes

Cowtown Posse12's Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
made for a mixtape trade for someone on a messageboard that I post on.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
mixtape made for a friend of mine's 21st birthday. which is today, but i made this last night. hanging out with her tomorrow. title above from the selection off of watt's opera on this mix.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Made for a coworker I'm going on a roadtrip with in two days. Never have hung out with her before this roadtrip. Title taken from the Broadways song on Side A.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Made for a mixtape trade March '02.
Cassette | Single Artist
someone I knew on the intarweb only was familiar with _Dream of the Blue Turtles_ so I _had to_ make her a Sting tape.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Made for my brother Christmas '01. This also marks the first mix where I haven't planned out the mix in advance, and just grabbed things at random. Title from the Minutemen song.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Made 11.30.01.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Made the last week of October/first week of November '01 for a couple people. Title from "The Red and The Black."
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Made 9.20.01. Some songs, but not all, are my reaction to the events of last week and the upcoming war machine. Fight war, not wars! Also made for a few mixtape trades I had going on with some people.
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