
Member Since: 3/24/2004
Total Mixes: 28
Total Feedback: 6

atragedyinblue's Mixes

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atragedyinblue's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
I'm in a weird transitional phase right now and I'm not sure how to feel. So I made a mix cd. (Seems reasonable, right?) Part reflection upon my state of affairs, part badass songs that make me happy.  …
CD | Mixed Genre
This is a mix I made on a lovely rainy day in honor of finding my first Sleep All Day mix cd, which had been missing for quite some time. It was hastily made, and some of the transitions are terrible,  …
CD | Mixed Genre
The last time I saw my three-year-old sister Phia (whom I nicknamed "Herman" at birth), she kept singing a Hilary Duff song. I felt that it was a cry for help. So I made her a CD of better alternatives …
CD | Mixed Genre
I made this mix for my sister Romy's eighteenth birthday. The title is a lyric from Liam Lynch's "Fake Depeche Mode Song." (because Romy loves her Depeche!) I put a lot of thought - and inside jokes -  …
Cassette | Theme
This is a mix that I made to commemorate a fabulous evening spent with one of my dearest friends, the lovely miss Nico. Aside from being sexually harassed by carnie workers and hit on by sketchy dudes  …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
This is a tape that I made at the beginning of this spring. It reflected the sassy happiness of spring, the "mating season" mentality, the emo-ness of hanging out with friends on the first nice days of …
Cassette | Theme - Road Trip
This is an old tape that I found recently, which I made a couple of years ago to listen to on the trip up to Limestone, Maine (motto: The Most Depressing Place On Earth!) for an interview at the Maine  …
CD | Mixed Genre
The third of three 2004 retrospectives; a mix of the songs I listened to constantly during my first semester of college. I listened to the majority of these songs so much that I will always relate them …
CD | Mixed Genre
A gift mix for my friend Nico's boyfriend Will. I'd only met the kid a couple of times, and when asked what music he liked, he answered, "The Beatles and Ben Folds. That's pretty much it." So working w …
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