
Member Since: 11/7/2004
Total Mixes: 5
Total Feedback: 0

aymlis's Mixes

aymlis's Favorite Mixes

aymlis's Mixes

MP3 Playlist | Theme - Alternating DJ
Cassette | Pop
I've given this mix tape to two friends as gifts. They weren't very familiar with Sloan beforehand. It was really hard to fit so many good Sloan songs on one 90 minute tape!
CD | Mixed Genre
This is actually a gift for someone, so hopefully she won't find it before I give it to her!
CD | Rock
I made this for my best friend, Remi (duh). I'm not too creative with my mix titles at this point.
CD | Mixed Genre
My very first mix CD, also made for my friend Remi. It's very relaxing and is the perfect CD to listen to on my nearly 1 hour bus ride to work in the mornings.