electric barbarella

Member Since: 12/10/2005
Total Mixes: 3
Total Feedback: 0

electric barbarella's Mixes

electric barbarella's Favorite Mixes

electric barbarella's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
Classic rock, some new wave and disco undertones, with a dash of grit courtsey of Kanye and Mos Def. I like to think it's good and fully mixed hopping and skipping genre to genre...Oh, and another Katt …
CD | Pop
A second mix for Katty. I tried to stick more rocking songs this time. I refer to songs eight through about twelve as the "sexy interlude." Those songs are incredibly hot. Specifically, "Personal Jesus …
CD | Theme
Katty is the coolest girl I have never met. A girl I have known about three years. She lives in Canada. We write letters to each other. I send mix CD's, Mardi Gras necklaces, and other goodies. We are  …