
Member Since: 10/26/2006
Total Mixes: 6
Total Feedback: 0

TheParanoidAndroid's Mixes

TheParanoidAndroid's Favorite Mixes

TheParanoidAndroid's Mixes

CD | Theme - Road Trip
This was created on-the-fly for a car ride in hot summer-of-Oregon-is-too-fucking-hot weather, which commanded pop music. It was designed to stray from the norm of pop music, which is why it starts wit …
CD | Mixed Genre
This mix is my particular favorite. In my humble opinion, it's well put together, and finishes with a track that leaves you wanting more (More more more!). It's the first mix that I made with an intro  …
CD | Mixed Genre
One day, while going through my music, I came across a clip from Pulp Fiction, of Samuel L. Jackson reciting Ezekiel 25:17. I thought to myself, "Wow, that's brilliant for an intro track!", so I made a …
CD | Mixed Genre
One day, when I was dreadfully pissed off at life, love, and when it came right down to it, myself, I started work on a mix full of hateful music. Named for a chapter in the book "Simulacra and Simulat …
CD | Mixed Genre
The Season Finale is a mixtape that I had made for a friend, which I gave to her at the end of our last school year. My more musically-knowledgable friends liked the lineup so much, they had me burn co …
CD | Mixed Genre
This was a mix that I made for a friend, for the start of the current school year. It's a sort-of follow up to my other mix tape, called The Season Finale, which I made for the end of the last school y …