
Member Since: 10/13/2003
Total Mixes: 4
Total Feedback: 1

ersrhead's Mixes

ersrhead's Favorite Mixes

ersrhead's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
I made this mix to listen to some of the new music I picked up in the last few months. I mixed in some classics and lots of change-up transitions to keep things interesting.
CD | Mixed Genre
I made this for Jess a few weeks ago... The classic songs that remind me of you/songs that I hope will remind you of me mix. There are some unexpected transitions, but they work really well.
CD | Theme - Road Trip
I made this mix to listen to on a recent road trip to Chicago. I was going for a nice flow and a good mix of 'turn it up and sing along' and 'turn it down and talk' songs. I haven't skipped over any so …
CD | Theme
Should more accurately be titled "Hey! Remember 90s Alternative/"Modern Rock" Radio?!?", but that's just not as catchy. Missing some obvious staples (Pearl Jam, Beastie Boys, Stone Roses), but the CD i …