
Member Since: 1/24/2004
Total Mixes: 7
Total Feedback: 4

The exciting misadventures of a former boywonder

TVstatic's Mixes

TVstatic's Favorite Mixes

TVstatic's Mixes

CD | Theme - Road Trip
Sort of intended as a punk rock 80s beach mix. Very OC.
CD | Mixed Genre
The point of this mix was to demonstrate to some people that psychadelia was not just a bunch of crappy SF bands, that the stones used to be good, that pink floyd started out good, and the beatles were …
CD | Mixed Genre
this was a mix for driving to a caming trip that was truly hell-like. i still like the mix though.
CD | Theme
this was the first mix cd that was heard by coworkers, so on the whole it's pretty tame. Afterwards I was a bit annoyed that both love and rockets and Peter Murphy were on it. Love and Rockets seem to  …
CD | Mixed Genre
I'd don't know what I was thinking when I made this mix. Of course I didn't know that Emilliana Torrini would turn into the hack she is today, or that the Looper track would be in an anti-drug commerci …
CD | Theme - Depression
This seemed appropriate for a quiet mix in December 2002. At the time I was kind of looking for a "holy" quality, but one that was more secular and non-western, thus the large amount of world music. Tr …
CD | Mixed Genre
This was a very last minute mix for some people this Christmas that expected a mix cd. I was really just intrigued how certain names occur in songs so often. This was an obvious choice since I like ran …