
Member Since: 2/11/2004
Total Mixes: 7
Total Feedback: 0

Annika1's Mixes

Annika1's Favorite Mixes

Annika1's Mixes

Cassette | Pop
this tape was for the trip to the festival called "Haldern Pop- Festival". most of the bands of this tape played at this festival. about the mixtape title: the festival 'newspaper' called "Datt Blatt".
Cassette | Mixed Genre
yes.. there are some non-british- bands... but i thing their sound is british!
Cassette | Pop
one tape for a mixtape trade
Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock
I made this tape for a person who has a bad music taste... i wanted to show him, that there is a lot better music on this planet
Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock
This tape ist just a tape for boy! I know him not so long.. but he like to make mixtapes and so it would be a nice suprise when I give it to him... the Songs are only great song.. the songs say nothing …
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
Sorry for the german title.. in english it means sweets-department. I choose this title.. 'cos in Song number 8, It says "your are the sweet- department in the supermarket" This is a mix for a friend o …
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
this mix is for our good remembrance to long nights in our favorite Club (it's closed now) :-(