
Member Since: 2/11/2004
Total Mixes: 11
Total Feedback: 4

Josiepagne's Mixes

Josiepagne's Favorite Mixes

Josiepagne's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
Most songs on this mix are because I am seeing the band sometime this summer, and I wanted to get to know some of the songs better... it actually turned out to be a pretty good mix and works well toget …
CD | Mixed Genre
A mix full of songs that have been my "favorite song" at one point or another in my life... the title comes from a lyric in the version of All Mixed Up.
CD | Mixed Genre
This mix was made for a friend for her birthday, and was based on her likes/dislikes.
CD | Alternative - Punk
I made this mix in spring of '02 for spring break... and yes, it's more pop punk than punk, but oh well.
CD | Single Artist
My favorite 311 songs that make me feel all summery inside. Good to listen to when it actually is summer, or when you miss summer.
CD | Single Artist
A good mix of all of Incubus' albums... it's got a little of everything.
CD | Theme - Road Trip
Part 2 of songs that I made for a trip to Boston in July 2002.
CD | Theme - Road Trip
A mix of songs that I was listening to in July, 2002 whose artists are alphabetically between A-M.
CD | Single Artist
For the casual 311 listener that wants more. This mix spans from the (overplayed) singles to amazing rarities.
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