avant gardening

Member Since: 3/26/2004
Total Mixes: 37
Total Feedback: 490

Other Mixes By avant gardening

Cassette | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Experimental
MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre

essay #9 (my podcast)

Side A
Artist Song
tan as fuck  spice clause 
the hospitals  i'm invisible 
mattress  i found my reason 
clipd beaks  meltr 
verdure  graveyard porchlight 
delphine  la fermeture eclair 
mr. airplane man  fallen 
the lyres  don't give it up now 
the clean  tally ho 
francoise hardy  mon monde n'est pas vra 
1/3 octave band  fading light from distant suns #4 
muddy waters  she's alright 
the blues magoos  tobacco road 
nothing people  in the city 
busy signals  love and dust 
dmz  busy man 
vktms  close but no cigar 
milky ways  i don't need you girl 
the celibate rifles  sentinel 
Side B
aaron dilloway  infinite lucifer (excerpt) 
anla courtis  si mismo 
matt valentine  p.k. dick 
tom waits  gun street girl 
congregacion  arrebol 
vertonen  shake 
fatals  get out of my life 
a feast of snakes  ghosts of you 
ppg  zombies don't thrash 
problematics  the kids all suck 
the aesthetics  stereo 
forbidden tigers  don't even get near me 
dicks  lifetime problems 
russian tsarlag  black stone bonnet 
chrome cranks  love and sound 
green monkey  vey vey 
id battery  last blue before black #1 
seht  chmnon 


wow, why do i come to this site when 90% of the mixes on here are all the same trendy garbage? who fxxxing knows. anywho, this is punk rock, garage, psychedelic and noise rock. little bit of folk and bluesy stuff thrown in for good measure. stream or download from here. i am the radio?


Date: 1/10/2008
Always love a good mixed genre mix, muddy and tom are the most I know here.
Funky Ratchet
Date: 1/10/2008
This one's trendy enough for me...love the Lyres, Muddy, DMZ, Celibate Rifles, and Tom Waits.
anthony lombardi
Date: 1/10/2008
not sure why you'd join & post at a community if you're just going to diss "90%" of its posters - some good stuff here though
avant gardening
Date: 1/10/2008
because i like the idea of the site, but i get worn out when i try to comment on people's mixes and a majority of them are all the same mix. what's the point. and i've been a member here for four years or something, it wasn't always so lame.
Date: 1/10/2008
This looks pretty sick. Love what I know here... will def. give this a listen tomorrow at work.
Date: 1/11/2008
but that's like saying, "why do I keep going to Easy Street to look through their new arrivals LP section when 90% of it is crap I'm not into?" it's for the golden 10%, of course. but for me the AotM ratio is more like 65/35, and there are usually some jewels even in the midst of the most mundane, trendy mixes. and after a while, you know just where to dig to get rich quick. like this mix, for example. looking forward to this one.
avant gardening
Date: 1/11/2008
man, i just dropped half my paycheck over there today. i get you, but i'm a lot more patient when it comes to digging through lp stacks, then i am looking at the same weak mixes over here. it just gets disheartening for me.
Date: 1/11/2008
Oh you're so trendy posting a mix 90% of which most AOTMers don't know. Get you, Mr Hip ;) The trendy garbage on here I like is Francoise Hardy, Busy Signals and the Clean.
avant gardening
Date: 1/11/2008
ha. that's how it goes. either you've heard of everything on a mix or you've heard of 3 artists. it's an odd balance.
Date: 1/12/2008
Well, I've heard of, uhm, at least 13. Does that make me middle of the road or something? Fine looking mix o' stuff here. And, well, don't comment on the 90% that "are all the same mix." There, problem solved.
Date: 1/12/2008
is this one of those quiz mixes where you answer the question and win a copy? i love those. i think you come to this site to let off steam. no wait, it's to promote your podcast. perhaps you just want to see how the other 90% live. do i win?
avant gardening
Date: 1/13/2008
now it's definitely more about self-promotion since i rarely find something i'd actually want to hear. you win a pony.
French Connection
Date: 1/13/2008
Each to his own mate, music's all in the ears of the beholder. The site is worth it for the gems posted by tried and trusted friends. For all I know 90 % of this could be shit but the 10 % I know works for me!