Richard Halley: Atlantis, America

Member Since: 12/21/2007
Total Mixes: 5
Total Feedback: 3

Other Mixes By Richard Halley: Atlantis, America

CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
MP3 Playlist | Theme - Romantic

080128 [some essentials of] explosions in the sky

Artist Song
explosions in the sky  first breath after coma 
explosions in the sky  the only moment we were alone 
explosions in the sky  your hand in mine (goodbye) [friday night lights OST] 
explosions in the sky  day five  
explosions in the sky  the birth and death of the day 
explosions in the sky  welcome, ghosts  
explosions in the sky  the moon is down 
explosions in the sky  memorial 
explosions in the sky  a slow dance [friday night lights OST] 
explosions in the sky  catastrophe and the cure 
explosions in the sky  your hand in mine  


the most beautiful and romantic music composed in the last half century.

if you have never bought one of their albums, "the earth is not a cold dead place" is very nearly as good as "all of a sudden I miss everyone".
image for mix


Date: 1/28/2008
Ohhhh.....I love Explosions in the Sky. Love love love. Attempting to convince Fiance to buy us tickets for the Chicago concert for my birthday.

As for the mix, I like most of your selections, although some of my personal favorites are missing, like "The Birth and Death Of Day" and "Home." However, this would be a good introduction to the group if someone has never heard of them. And besides, any time anyone makes an "essentials" mix, they skip someone else's favorites. Like my Nirvana fave mix, when I left out "Aneurysm" for who knows what reason.

Ahem. That is all.
Date: 1/28/2008
Eff. I just saw that "The Birth and Death of Day" is on there. Forgive me.
Dead Heaven
Date: 1/29/2008
all I have to say is .."oh...yesssssssssssssss"