Emily Stein1

Member Since: 6/22/2002
Total Mixes: 22
Total Feedback: 78

Surely There's Only One Direction I Could Go

Artist Song
Jump, Little Children  Angeldust (Please Come Down) 
a.k.a J,LC  Lover's Greed 
or, for those who are in a hurry, just Jump  Utopian Sky 
or perhaps The Best Band in the Past Decade  Violent Dreams 
(except maybe Weezer)  Come Around 
(They're tied.)  Habit 
Anyway, everyone go  Dark and Lonely Man 
and get some   Easter Parade 
Jump, Little Children  Someone's in the Kitchen 
so you too can see  Come Out Clean 
why these guys  Just A Second 
put every band around them  Hymn 
to total and utter shame.  Midnight 
ALL  B-13 
HAIL  Close Your Eyes 
THE  Yearling 
JUMP,  Leave Behind It All 
LITTLE  Vertigo 
CHILDREN  15 Stories 


Anyone who'd like to hold me to my word here should go to WWW.TRYJLC.COM and listen for yourself. Please go! A little four-minute sampler thing will pop up for you--and above all, please please listen to the whole thing--they use clips from about six different songs, and they're all pretty different, so don't turn it off if you don't like the first one. Phew--I just found out about that site, so I had to tell you all. Moving on now: So this here's a mix for Scott (Brave Little Toaster), who requested quite politely that I compose a Jump, Little Children mix for him--from the perspective, you see, of one who is well-versed with the band's music. And for this I think we should one and all salute him, because he has, entirely on his own, taken the step towards that wonderful state of J,LC Enlightenment that everyone has within their grasp. Anyway, I think this mix would be enjoyed both by devoted Jump fans and new recruits--I tried to create a pleasing balance between albums/music styles here, eventually ending up using five songs each from their most well-known albums ("Magazine" and "Vertigo"), five from their "Early Years" volumes, and four unreleased songs. I really hope Scott likes it--and that's all.
image for mix


abigail dice1
Date: 1/30/2003
yay! Scott is surely very fortunate with this batch of tunes. :) horrah for Jump, Little Children. *claps* in regards to Mr. Gyllenhaal, I hope you have a DVD player so you can rent the DVD of Donnie Darko instead of VHS. VHS cheapens the entire movie experience for this film, and plus the deleted scenes in the special features are hilarious. (and provide even more amusement for Jake fans!) :) anyway, wonderful mix as always Em. I was listening to your mix tape The Turning Point yesterday whilst at work, and I must say it really did keep me going.
Date: 1/30/2003
Um, I'd like to point you to this link here. I'm still waiting on Vertigo. I had to order it, just like you thought I would.
Date: 1/30/2003
I meant to say (regarding the link), that Scott was pushed ;) It always comes back to you, though.
Brave Little Toaster
Date: 1/30/2003
Hey, can't wait to get this. I must say that this mix trade was all about turnaround time. Emily, I think we set a record! Anyway, props (yes, I said props) are in order to Zacharia for putting sending me "31" containing "Cathedrals." It really stood out on an already stellar mix. I knew I needed to hear more. Em, I hope you feel better and have a great time seeing Jay.
Brave Little Toaster
Date: 1/30/2003
I so didn't mean to write "putting sending" in the fourth sentence of my last post. It was just supposed to say "sending." OK, I feel better now.
Brave Little Toaster
Date: 2/7/2003
Wow, this mix is so beautiful. Better than I even expected. Thanks for making this for me. It's a joy to listen to!