
Member Since: 6/11/2003
Total Mixes: 3
Total Feedback: 2

Other Mixes By Chris12345678906667

Cassette | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Mixed Genre

Good For You

Side A
Artist Song
Jim O' Rourke  All Downhill From Here 
The New Pornographers  Letter From an Occupant 
Pixies  Wave of Mutilation 
Pavement   Rattled by the Rush 
Guided by Voices  I am a Scientist 
Sonic Youth  Teenage Riot 
Tiger Trap  Supreme Nothing 
Beat Happening  Midnight A Go-Go 
The Microphones  Ice 
Talking Heads  Memories Can't Wait 
The Smiths   The Queen is Dead 
Side B
The Microphones  The Pull 
Pavement  Stop Breathin' 
The Beach Boys  I Just Wasn't Made for These Times 
Guided by Voices  Echos Myron 
Tiger Trap  Words and Smiles 
Pixies  Here Comes Your Man 
Beck  Jackass 
Belle and Sebastian  Me and the Major 
The Magnetic Fields  I Think I Need a New Heart 
Wilco  Ashes of American Flags 
Talking Heads  Heaven 
The Flaming Lips  Waitin' For a Superman 


This quite possibly might be the most awkward mix I have ever created. It was for my friend, Russell, for his birthday. The transitions were odd, a few worked out. There was no emotion/image/anything I was trying to convey other than, "Hey, these are some cool songs, happy birthday." So, most of it didn't feel very coherent. Otherwise, was alright. The title was a little bit too inspired by Jim O' Rourke's cyncism, but no hard feelings were aimed at Russell. Just felt like.....Ah! Awkward and poorly done now that I look back on it. Oh well. The transitions sounded nice, but the meanings of the songs had hardly any coherence at all!


Date: 6/12/2003
That's a great New Pornographers song- I had it for a while, then I lost the bloody thing. Goody for Wilco + B+S too. Everything is fine... just... okay... Out.
Mr. Jeremy Meece
Date: 7/12/2003