
Member Since: 4/12/2001
Total Mixes: 90
Total Feedback: 7

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popquizkid's Mixes

popquizkid's Favorite Mixes

popquizkid's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
mix for a friend. name is from our always wacky conversation (because i'm not all that creative).
CD | Mixed Genre
after all the folk-ish mixes i've been making lately, i made a concentrated effort to churn out a rockin' mix. here it is. one interesting note: this is the first mix since february 2, 2003 i've made t …
CD | Singer/Songwriter
folk is fantastic guitar picking. folk is small towns. folk is harmonica. folk is farms. folk is instrumentals. folk is coming back home. folk is cover songs. folk is a capella. folk is drinking. folk  …
CD | Mixed Genre
my parents would make scientific selections quite frequently when i was younger. this art involved picking a random number, finding that cd from the shelf and picking another random number (for the tra …
CD | Mixed Genre
insound.com has a ton of mp3's available for free download. a few months ago, feeling very poor and being behind a firewall that limits soulseek to downloads at around 0.1kbps, i went on a downloading  …
CD | Mixed Genre
bloodshot records has put out three of these: songs about death to help abolish the death penalty in illinois. this thing may be more violent than most rap albums.
CD | Mixed Genre
i don't know where the mix name came from. i've heard it somewhere before. and it seems to fit the general theme of this mix. this isn't mountain goats-type of love (i love you even though i treat you  …
CD | Mixed Genre
just a mix of what i've been listening to lately. mostly new stuff from 2003.
CD | Mixed Genre
tried to go for a death-focused mix.
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