
Member Since: 7/2/2001
Total Mixes: 36
Total Feedback: 975

I miss you all all the time time...

Dru's Mixes

Dru's Favorite Mixes

Dru's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
This is 1 of my most satisfying mixes in a while. It is for a friend in Singapore that recently wrote to me. He was kinda bitter about his job 'cause he's not the atypical Singaporean businessman (ie.  …
CD | Mixed Genre
Last month some friends came out from Japan to visit. I made them each a copy of this mix. It didn't come out as well as I wanted it to; I should've take more time to sort out the track order. I enjoy  …
Mini-Disc | Theme - Road Trip
I think this mix'll get trashed like crazy; some of you will ignore it because it's too mainstream (ie. the Nickelback + perhaps the new Matthew Good tracks) or because who the fuck puts the Counting C …
Mini-Disc | Theme
This MD is the 2nd half of a 2-disc set of songs about leaving Japan: friends, security, familiarity, for something foreign. This one also went out to my lost friends: Hiromi, Koji, Junko, Kat, Matt, + …
Mini-Disc | Theme
This MD is the (in my opinion) better half of a 2-disc set of songs about leaving Japan: friends, security, familiarity, for something foreign. I made this for my dear mates Hiromi, Koji, Junko, Kat, M …
Mini-Disc | Mixed Genre
... This did not come out as planned. Well, it kinda did, but not. See, I made this for a friend who's musical preferences are light years from mine. It's always a challenge to find stuff that'll appea …
Mini-Disc | Mixed Genre
A mix for a girl that I was trying to... impress? lull into false feelings? bribe? I don't know... I was trying to date her, + I wanted to give her a mix but not scare the crap out of her. Most of the  …
Mini-Disc | Mixed Genre
I wish I'd saved a copy of the cover... Anyways, this is for a mate who's living across the ocean now. I made him a mix back in the day of quiet guitar music, + was sort've going for the same thing her …
Mini-Disc | Single Artist
I have been a huge fan of Finger 11 since their early days as the Rainbow Butt Monkeys. This mix was for Matt, a Kiwi friend of mine who is currently swapping me New Zealand rock music for Canadian mus …
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