
Member Since: 2/24/2004
Total Mixes: 81
Total Feedback: 501

Seth Boulton & The Dream Machine (my band!)
The Democratic Underground
Be my friend on My Space!

laura.witkowski's Mixes

laura.witkowski's Favorite Mixes

laura.witkowski's Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
I made this tape for my partner the very first time she had to travel after we were together. I'm thinking it was maybe June 2001 or so. I'd like to eventually make this one onto CD as well... The Red  …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
The title refects the completion date, as I didn't actually title this one. This was a tape that sadly sufered some damage and doesn't really sound as great anymore. I would love, love, love to make it …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Just a hastily made comp. for the car... A good mix of thumpin' house fun sing along songs and chilled out sounds. No actual chix have been picked up with the use of this tape. (5-23-02)
CD | Single Artist
I updated this mix to reflect the Absent Friends album that came out earlier this year. I originally made this for my friend Kevin who wanted to be introduced to more by Mr. Neil Hannon. The title of t …
CD | Single Artist
I made this for my dad after he bought me American II: Unchained for Christmas. He asked if I'd make his a copy of the song "I've Been Everywhere" and I thought, "I can do better than THAT!" I picked f …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
"I would keep it" was an answer to a "What would you do?" quiz that my partner gave me shortly after we fell madly in love. That's the answer we both gave to a certain question, and the phrase has grow …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Yet another mix for my woman -- sadly I didn't date this one. I love the cover I made on this one by taking a picture of a field of flowers out of National Geographic. It looks coller than it sounds!
CD | Mixed Genre
This Cd was a Christamas gift to all or our friends and family. It's a mix of both my and my partner's favorite songs of the year that we think the majority of Clear Channel listening people in our liv …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
I made this double CD (not a tape, but when I indicated the format as CD only the play list for disc one was visible) mix for my parter who will be traveling an awful lot for work in the next month. I  …
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