
Member Since: 3/6/2004
Total Mixes: 11
Total Feedback: 10

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kowalski88's Mixes

kowalski88's Favorite Mixes

kowalski88's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
Left this disc at Chapters on Rideau Street in Ottawa
CD | Mixed Genre
The Broken Social Scene, Metric and Stars songs are all sung by Emily... thus a 200% increase in the amount of Emily Haines vocals since the last mix I made. I know that there are more out there, so th …
CD | Mixed Genre
This mix is an old one. Made some time last year, when most of these songs were new (or relatively new). And as usual, it was made for a friend. Sadly, this gospel didn't have the same impact as the pr …
CD | Mixed Genre
Something thrown together for a friend. Some old, some new. Some good, some great. EDIT: Added MBV and Tricky to the mix. Took out DFA1979, Hot Hot Heat and the Go! Team.
CD | Mixed Genre
made for people in place of christmas cards. christmas cards suck.
CD | Single Artist
A slightly different mix than the one I posted this afternoon... nothing is set in stone, so let me know if there is track that I blatently overlooked.
CD | Mixed Genre
there is so much out there that hasn't been discovered by my friends. if this helps spread the gospel, then i've done my job... EDIT: I took out the White Stripes and threw in the Dears. I only recentl …
CD | Single Artist
I think I'd be the first to include Killing Time on any Tragically Hip compilation. I've always liked it. Same with Impossibilium. Don't hear that one too much either.
CD | Single Artist
I'm sure I've left out somebody's favourite Stone Roses track. Feel free to point out anything I've left out. Other than the first and last two, I really didn't put that much thought into the sequencin …
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