
Member Since: 3/12/2004
Total Mixes: 29
Total Feedback: 27

Peirro Scaruffi's History of Rock Music

troutmask's Mixes

troutmask's Favorite Mixes

troutmask's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
The year is almost 4 months old, and its about time to look back and see what's been good in my eyes. This represents my favorite albums that have been available, be it in stores or via soulseek, so fa …
CD | Mixed Genre
Some of these songs make me happy, some make me sad, and quite a few I'm not sure about, since every time I hear them I get a completely different reaction from myself. I guess it depends on the kind o …
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
and here be the third CD of the set for this weekend. This one was designed as kind of an introduction to what we know as "indie-rock" for some friends who haven't the slightest idea what it might be.  …
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
Here's the second of the 3 for this weekend. Title taken from the dEUS song. Can't really think of anything else to say about it.
CD | Mixed Genre
One of 3 mixes I'm making for this weekend. This one leans towards the dancier end of the spectrum while the other two are more indie-rock based. So strap on your boogie shoes and get DOWN!
Cassette | Dance - Hardcore
A 60-minute mix of music that causes people to think I'm some kind of freak. If only they knew that i donate half my paycheck to ORPHANS...Orphans with DISEASES (cue sentimental string music)
CD | Mixed Genre
Well, I came across this here mix when I was cleaning out my room the other day. I'm guessing I made it/hd it made for me about to years ago judging by the content. Also I remember that back then my M. …
CD | Mixed Genre
...and here's part two. Definitely not complete, but considering i made em 4 months ago i can't really say i blame them.
CD | Mixed Genre
Well, here's the first part of the best of 2003 mix i made last November, only 4 months late posting the bugger.
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