
Member Since: 3/20/2004
Total Mixes: 5
Total Feedback: 8

the daily tar heel

bossofnova's Mixes

bossofnova's Favorite Mixes

bossofnova's Mixes

MP3 Playlist | Theme - Alternating DJ
I let my computer be the DJ for my afternoon. Sometimes we agree, sometimes we don't. So through 40 gigs of music this is what it decided.
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
This is side two of my meatloaf recipe. It's a little bit more down than the first side, but one must be reminded that life is full of dissappointments. I'm going to give it to my roommate. He probably …
CD | Mixed Genre
My most frequent mix tape recipient complained about the abrasivness of the record button being switched on and switched off during my tapes. I decided to burn one side of the mix onto a cd and then le …
CD | Mixed Genre
This mix was made back in 1999 when MP3 was a very new thing for me. I only knew one person with a burner at the time and his name was Brian Buckley. Many of the mixes from this time period did not end …
Cassette | Mixed Genre