
Member Since: 3/20/2004
Total Mixes: 5
Total Feedback: 8

Other Mixes By bossofnova

MP3 Playlist | Theme - Alternating DJ
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
CD | Mixed Genre

Meatloaf Recipe on the back of popular mechanics (I actually wrote the recipe down on the cd)

Artist Song
Le Tigre  Deceptacon 
Pixies  Space (I beleive in) 
Wilco  I'm the man who loves you 
Mates of State  Proof 
beat happening  cat walk 
South Pacific  Happy Talk 
Beck  Nicotine and Gravy 
white stripes  fell in love with a girl 
Wilco  Heavy Metal drummer 
Jem  They 
Camera Obscur  Teenager 
Donovan  Mellow Yellow 
Elliot Smith  Just somebody I used to know 
Grandaddy  Now it's on 
Donovan  Coulours 
The Postal Service  Brand New Colony 
Beck   Debra 


My most frequent mix tape recipient complained about the abrasivness of the record button being switched on and switched off during my tapes. I decided to burn one side of the mix onto a cd and then let it record onto tape without any interuptions. Am I a dork? Yes. Many of these songs I got from looking at somebody else's mix (title: if songs were lines in a conversation).Only a part of me feels guilty, but the other part says that some of the songs on that original mix sucked. The mix has now become meatloaf. THis is only side on of the complete two hour tape. I'm rambling.


Nest of Vipers
Date: 4/20/2004
Does the recipe call for Nicotine & Gravy?
Some good meat in this loaf.
Date: 4/20/2004
i love that song from south pacific!