Dougie Fresh1

Member Since: 10/23/2001
Total Mixes: 87
Total Feedback: 12

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Dougie Fresh1's Mixes

Cassette | Theme - Alternating DJ
Here's another old one I just dug up, from 10/19/96. I made this mix one night my girlfriend and another friend of ours, alternating every third track. It actually came out OK, and plays pretty well (a …
CD | Single Artist
I assembled this mix while waiting for the full release of their latest album. (I had a pre-release sampler, hence the inclusion of "Oooh" and "Foolin'.") All De La albums are represented, although the …
Cassette | Theme
An old dope-smoking mix dated 12/16/94, hence the heavy Cypress Hill presence. As I recall, there were bits of stoner dialog between tracks from "A Child's Garden Of Grass," "The Simpsons," etc. Unfort …
CD | Theme
This was basically a "proof of concept" mix, inspired by a female friend who took me to task for including at least two of these songs on another mix. We discussed what the ultimate "Misogyny Mix" migh …
CD | Theme - Romantic
A slightly corny, early-crush-stage mix. Hopefully to be used soon after the "...She Loves Me Not" mix.
CD | Theme - Break Up
A break-up mix that concentrates mostly on the wistful, "why did she/he have to leave" phase. The Elvis Costello song "I Want You" is mandatory for this kind of mix, absolutely the most bitter, cynical …
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