Dougie Fresh1

Member Since: 10/23/2001
Total Mixes: 87
Total Feedback: 12

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Dougie Fresh1's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
This is the mix formerly known as "Traveling In A World Of My Creation." It has been revised at least 5-6 times, but this is absolutely, positively the final version, 'cause I just gave it to the girl  …
CD | Mixed Genre
Final version of a mix for a girl...I posted an earlier version several weeks ago, and have shuffled many tracks in and out since. But this is it, I think. A good overview of some of the various styles …
CD | Mixed Genre
Disc three of the party mix, the only one with actual "dance" music - I figure the non-dancers (myself included) might not be able to resist some disco by the time this mix comes on. We shall see. Some …
CD | Mixed Genre
Disc two of the party mix, getting into some stranger stuff.
CD | Mixed Genre
I was asked to whip up a soundtrack for a housewarning party tonight...mostly cool kids who can't/won't dance, so it's three CDs of head-bobbing music. It should be a pretty eclectic crowd, so I tried  …
CD | Mixed Genre
My "this-week-sucked" mix. Several tunes I've been using on other mixes lately, and a bunch more that were just waiting for a balls-to-the-wall mix like this. In a break from tradition, the title comes …
CD | Theme
A birthday mix for someone who's a huge Sox fan and semi-pro poker player. Of course, every Sox home stand starts with Centerfield (unless you're watching on TV, hence the Sox on FOX theme), and a vict …
CD | Mixed Genre
After making several mixes *about* a girl I'm interested in, this is my first run at making one I might actually give her. Some track are already on the cutting board, but I thought I'd share this vers …
CD | Mixed Genre
This mix is a little strange, only time will tell if it will work out. The basic idea was something for cool, relaxing summer nights. The general vibe is romantic, but slightly whistful to boot. The pr …
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