petra jane1

Member Since: 12/18/2001
Total Mixes: 39
Total Feedback: 0
I Love Everything

petra jane1's Mixes

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petra jane1's Mixes

Cassette | Theme - Break Up
I'm still not sure if i have the guts to deliver this. Is it too obvious? Not obvious enough? Will the intended recipient balk at the inclusion of Abba and the Carpenters? Is this the foolishest idea e …
Cassette | Pop
It's cutesy! It's girly! It's swoony! It's crackly! It's silly! It's FOR RAINY 'CAUSE SHE'S THE GREATEST!
Cassette | Mixed Genre
JP is one of my oldest 'Internet Friends'. We frequented an otherwise-forgotten Superette bboard in late '99, while i was in the process of dropping out of uni. We spent every Wednesday night NZ time l …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Hey, could you guess this was another tape for Andrew? Requests, injokes, b-sides, karaoke possibilities, a Fall cover and a song covered by the Fall. And the Monkees. And the sides are even the same l …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Gosh, i must have spent over 14 hours just listening to records and juggling tracks for this tape. Really hope the results justify it. Duane always makes such insanely great tapes i never know what to  …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Gosh, almost three weeks away from my rekkid crates and already i'm rusty. For Brianna, who sent me a kickass letter.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
I threatened to make a schmucky, gushy romantic tape but it went typically awry. The focus seems split between the dreaded Crush and the other end - loss, betrayal, infidel …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
For Sandra, cause she asked me to make her one.
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