He Thought of Cars1

Member Since: 1/14/2002
Total Mixes: 13
Total Feedback: 0

He Thought of Cars1's Mixes

He Thought of Cars1's Favorite Mixes

He Thought of Cars1's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
i feel like most of this mix could have been made a couple years ago. maybe it's time to get some new cd's ...
CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Mixed Genre
a mix long overdue for a friend
CD | Mixed Genre
i started out with songs that worked chronologically and they bookend the mix. otherwise, it was just a lot of songs that i've been listening of have been meaning to put on a mix for awhile
CD | Mixed Genre
just a simple, hopefully fun, mix for my sister
CD | Theme
a mix I made for a friend of mine teaching overseas next year. I tried to stay with 'America' songs with a few exceptions of songs with national titles. Not sure how happy I am with the mix, but I supp …
CD | Mixed Genre
a party mix i made for my sister. a for-the-people mix with a few exceptions, and a lot of songs that were played at parties during a crazy semester junior year.
CD | Mixed Genre
a mix made for a friend to get through the rest of the semester
CD | Mixed Genre
a mix for a friend that started mostly electronic but became a bunch of songs i'd been listening too recently
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