
Member Since: 1/17/2002
Total Mixes: 5
Total Feedback: 9

kjharvey's Mixes

kjharvey's Favorite Mixes

kjharvey's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
Birthday mix for a friend. Sorry for those who have already looked at this, it's not new, I just wasn't logged in correctly the first time I submitted it. Sorry!
Cassette | Theme
Birthday mix for a friend. p.s. I <3 mpPA!!!
Cassette | Theme
This tape is named after my friend Hannah who's, as you might have guessed, always hungry. The theme is pretty self explanatory. We went through a phase in high school of leaving mix tapes in each othe …
Cassette | Theme
This title has several meanings. First - it is taken from the lyrics of a Hole song. Second - the tape is all female artists. Third - I made this mix as a birthday present for my friend (hence cake in  …
CD | Theme
I'm a hopeless romantic - as you can probably tell. This mix is for when you first get those butterflies in your stomach about someone new. Enjoy!