
Member Since: 1/28/2002
Total Mixes: 10
Total Feedback: 9

the American Prospect
Pitchfork Music Reviews

Block's Mixes

Block's Favorite Mixes

Block's Favorite Mixes

by Moe
Cassette | Theme
The pep all seems a little samey til you listen closer, but the mix between mere "bubbly" and "wacko" is perfect. The happiest mixtape i've ever heard.
by 2FFs
Cassette | Mixed Genre
As the person for whom this mix was made, i'm just putting my response of "Bravo!" on the record. A nicely flowing mix of hyperenthusiastic pop, droney quasi-Indian grooves, sedate jazz techno, stentorian lectures about chemistry experiments, and a title track ("Campaign Song") that has inspired not one but two other mix titles of mine from the rest of its lyrics ("Long May it Waver" and "Like a Clown Decked Out in Riot Gear"). Stuff like that, you know