
Member Since: 10/10/2004
Total Mixes: 19
Total Feedback: 31

Nevsky's Mixes

Nevsky's Favorite Mixes

Nevsky's Mixes

MP3 Playlist | Theme
Another Birthday Mix.
CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Mixed Genre
A friend declared yesterday that she had 'gone off music'. She was worried, saying she didn't like her previous favourites in rock/jazz/whatever. So I decided to make her a cd featuring lots of stuff s …
CD | Mixed Genre
Basically the cd for before and during the gig I arranged. Basically it goes thus - 1-6 introduction/general rocking get people in the mood before a band that played general Classic Rock stuff. 7-9 bec …
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
My cousin is starting to get into proper rock music - as in he likes Green Day now. I gave him a few albums I liked around his age (Offspring, Foos, Dookie) and then made him a Greenday/Punk compilatio …
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
I've been working on this for at least a week. It started as a journey through Radio rock throughout the ages - it had some newer stuff on there, kind of College radio 80s hits. But that didn't really  …
CD | Mixed Genre
A sort of setlist if I ever were to dj. Perhaps, but also it's for the mix cd swap - hence the sort of theme is... dance-y songs, but with some great covers thrown in.
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
CD swap mix #2. Titled from the Rocks song, referencing how this is a bit of a pick n mix of different styles and moods. There's a bit of a progression from the kick-start of Bloc Party and Orange Juic …
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