
Member Since: 10/27/2004
Total Mixes: 90
Total Feedback: 48

destroyalltacos's Mixes

destroyalltacos's Favorite Mixes

destroyalltacos's Last Three Mixes Posted

CD | Mixed Genre
At a certain point, my year end mixes started being less about things that actually came out that year and more "autobiographical" - thus, this is mostly music that actually came out in 2014, with a fe …
CD | Single Artist
Some time ago, I read some music magazine's list of "heaviest albums ever", and somewhere on the list was the questionable, borderline trollish choice of The White Album. Granted, you could definitely  …
CD |
One of several mix cd's I'm making for a work environment. I've got a retail job that allows employees to choose the music being played over the speakers so long as it's profanity free - hence I've dec …

destroyalltacos's Last Three Favorite Mixes

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