
Member Since: 12/3/2004
Total Mixes: 14
Total Feedback: 14

Shelflife Records
The Infamous Flatchestedmama

static's Mixes

static's Favorite Mixes

static's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
It can be very cold.
CD | Theme
mmmmm. how many lumps of sugar do you want with that?
CD | Mixed Genre
Glitch, found sounds, IDM, and 20th century artists caught in a dance off. I've been wanting to make this for a long time.
CD | Theme
This was a mix made by me for a friend who told me what to make this mix about. It begins with this couple who are having second thoughts about their rekindling of their relationship with each other. T …
CD | Mixed Genre
Brian liked the last mix I made for him so much that he told me to make him another. A lot of these songs remind him of me, and I am almost positive he will love this cd as much, or much more, than the …
CD | Theme
My friend just moved to Nevada from WA and misses all the rainy weather. This is for him. Last track is hidden and is actually a recording of rain falling. Hope you like it!!
CD | Mixed Genre
This is a really relaxing mix.
CD | Mixed Genre
I need to get away. I combined electronic, post-punk, and rap. This is the final product. I think I might keep this one for myself.
CD | Theme
To Sam. Best wishes. I know this is late (since your birthday is today and it got shipped yesterday), but at least I made an attempt. I wonder if you still remember me. Oh well, we'll see when you get  …
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