
Member Since: 2/5/2005
Total Mixes: 74
Total Feedback: 200

lostinthejazzmix's Mixes

lostinthejazzmix's Favorite Mixes

lostinthejazzmix's Mixes

MP3 Playlist | Single Artist
A Bill Frisell concert is often a non-stop affair, songs melding with one another by way of electronic, pedal-heavy bridges. This blended mix attempts to replicate the often musical seamlessness of a l …
CD | Mixed Genre
A mix by request: the first 7 tracks from my last full-fledged mix, Weeping Guitars. (To access: Click on the above link. Down the page, where it says "select download," click "free". On the next page, …
CD | Jazz
The other night, after retiring to bed and actually going to sleep, I awoke (some time later, obviously) on the living room couch not knowing how I got there, or when I'd arrived. It was a little distu …
CD | Mixed Genre
Mostly solo, mostly acoustic guitar stuff. Very mellow.
CD | Jazz
Another experiment in mixing. For those patient enough to download the file, the above mix is full of chunky chords and lively beats. Again, as I'm just trying the blend-it-all-together format (with cr …
CD | Jazz
This mix may be a little short, but it's got symmetry on its side.
CD | Mixed Genre
Technically, this is my first mix, as the link above contains all six songs as one seamless, crossfades-and-everything mix. It's an experiment, and as such I'd love some feedback from those who have th …
CD | Single Artist
It's a Jungle in Here is still my favourite outing by John Medeski, Billy Martin and Chris Wood, but there's fun and funky stuff to be found on all the band's discs. All of MM&W's albums are represente …
CD | Blues
Title meant ironically, of course. An alternating mix of vocal and instrumental blues, some of which I've used before (if not to such sweet perfection!).
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