
Member Since: 3/24/2002
Total Mixes: 58
Total Feedback: 92

Greetings From The Verge Of Daylight
Butch Walker Dot Com
Bain Mattox Dot Com

Amy*'s Mixes

Amy*'s Favorite Mixes

Amy*'s Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
My friend Sara works at a gymnastics place for little kids, and is sick of the constant Britney and Christina that they play every day. She commissioned a mix both upbeat enough for gymnastics and chil …
CD | Mixed Genre
A mix full of songs that I can't listen to without smiling. It balances out all the "sad, lonely music" I apparently usually listen to.
CD | Single Artist
My friend David hates Butch Walker. "Most of his new stuff sounds just like Marvelous 3," we told him. "I hate Marvelous 3," was his response. Blasphemy, right? But David is a sucker for anything acous …
CD | Mixed Genre
A birthday mix for my ex-roommate, whose favorite CD is probably a tie between the latest Britney and Xtina discs. I tried.
CD | Mixed Genre
Made for my friend's boyfriend's birthday, more than two months late. Better late than never, eh?
CD | Mixed Genre
A birthday mix for Bidwell, made sometime between five and six AM on the morning of his birthday and left on his doorstep 'til he found it there that night. Last minute, but I like it despite that.
CD | Mixed Genre
This started out as a way for me to get the two new Butch Walker songs I've found myself in possession of onto a CD so that I could listen to them in the car, and it turned into something else.
CD | Mixed Genre
Michael said to me this morning, "Y'know, I've never gotten a mix from you. I see a problem with this." So I fixed it. Not my best, but not nearly my worst, either.
CD | Mixed Genre
Just something I threw together in a few minutes before class today, with no real regard to order or flow or anything like that. I just needed something to listen to. Title from the Jimmy Eat World son …
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