
Member Since: 4/5/2005
Total Mixes: 3
Total Feedback: 0

myeviltwin's Mixes

myeviltwin's Favorite Mixes

myeviltwin's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
I made this one quite a while ago, and just recently came across it again. There's no unifying theme or anything which I think is fitting of my emotions right now.
CD | Mixed Genre
I started this mix long before summer was here, but just now got around to actually making it. It is a summer mix in that in some way all of the songs fit my feeling of summer. And yes, that is Hanson, …
CD | Theme - Break Up
About the mix: I usually try not to double up on artists' songs when I make a CD. But these two, Ryan Adams and Bright Eyes, the songs are just so...true, that both had to be there. About the break-up: …