
Member Since: 4/30/2005
Total Mixes: 6
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astall's Mixes

astall's Favorite Mixes

astall's Mixes

CD | Theme
Made this mix for friends Sarah and Dion, who got married in Ohio this summer. I had to miss the wedding, and have been looking around for a mix to make them ever since. When I heard the Gillian Welch  …
CD | Mixed Genre
I set out this evening to make a mix for my friends Mike Comstock and Mark Leidner, but after a bit of futzing around with the usual materials, got bored. So I gave myself 30 minutes to download from b …
CD | Single Artist
There's value in Ryan Adams' all-inclusive aesthetic where his own songs are concerned, but for most people, he needs an editor. That's always my impulse, in any case. Something I've considered for a w …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Meant to be the last mix I made, so I pulled out all the self-imposed restraints and made a wild one -- for my friend Mark. As it turned out, opening things up only made reconsider how sick I was of ma …
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
My wife and I made this mix a couple nights ago for our teacher Brenda Hillman. She says she likes to stay abreast of new music -- when her class ended, she gave each of us a blank cd and asked for mix …
CD | Country
I've been reading Cormac McCarthy's Border Trilogy, and I guess the mix sprang from the far-off look the books put in my eye. It's for my sister, Laurie.