
Member Since: 6/5/2005
Total Mixes: 10
Total Feedback: 4

Geoff's clubhouse and old fashioned ice cream par

charles_highway's Mixes

charles_highway's Favorite Mixes

charles_highway's Mixes

CD | Theme
Hey, This is the tenative track listing from my upcoming (August 5th) wedding. It's in Japan and there are several set-in-stone sections the wedding planner gave us. I've tried to give each a little th …
CD | Pop
Just a little something to keep me warm on a cold Japanese night. It's March but a cold front has moved in and it's snowing in Nagano tonight. I can't believe I'm starting to miss summer. I know that c …
CD | Pop
shots fired across the bow. Shoko, you're in my thoughts and prayers
CD | Pop
This is a mix I made for one of my students here in Japan. She wanted to hear some English music that I was into. I also threw some quotes to give her some listening practice
CD | Mixed Genre
Something to chase away those days where you feel like growing up and becoming an adult has just been one huge rip-off.
CD | Mixed Genre
Second of a double mix for my sister. The other was I miss her
CD | Mixed Genre
This is a mix for my sister. It's a companion to another one posted here somewhere. This is the happy, young energy one.
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
This was meant to be a relief from stress but it ended up as more of a lament. I'm leaving Canada for a couple of years and it's really starting to hit me. These songs (not lyrically) seem to be a refl …
CD | Pop
The second of two mixes made to ease the pain of absence, but this time with a little more optimism but a lot of the same artists
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