
Member Since: 5/16/2002
Total Mixes: 35
Total Feedback: 46

Reverse Paranoia

Linzer_m's Mixes

Linzer_m's Favorite Mixes

Linzer_m's Mixes

CD | Theme
For one of those friends that you've had forever and secretly know you'll never let yourself lose sight of, no matter how tough the going gets. The title is from the Liz Phair song: no matter who is in …
CD | Theme
A sort of response to the boy's disc on long distance called "Sanity." Title is from the Get Up Kids track. Yes, a lot of Bright Eyes, but that's cause Conor Oberst is my favorite person around and rea …
CD | Theme
Mix from the boy to me on our nine-month "anniversary". Meant to reflect the insanity and ambivalence of doing the long-distance thing. I was sort of freaked out- these are not happy songs, folks- but  …
CD | Mixed Genre
"I know you can walk on water, but can you walk on this much beer?" -Are You Drinking with Me Jesus. Clocks in at 73:43. The goal here? Funny drinking songs, sad drinking songs, an eclectic group of ar …
CD | Theme - Narrative
Another early mix from the boyfriend (that he refused to give me till now, since I apparently "laughed" at it). Kind of narrates him immediately pre-me to what is STILL our present state of affairs. I  …
CD | Mixed Genre
Completely random. The remainder of MP3s I'm trying to remove from my home computer to the laptop to take off to college. These are just a bunch of tracks I threw on, figuring it would make someone spe …
CD | Theme - Romantic
A goodbye mix as I leave the boyfriend here in NJ to go to school in PA. It's been a fabulous, tumultuous and incredible 8 months together, and I think this mix reflects a lot of those feelings. My amb …
CD | Mixed Genre
Another mix for my longtime boyfriend. We actually just went to see Rainer Maria, and they did a beautiful rendition of "Planetary". I should have saved "I Miss You" for my next mix, which is an mix fo …
CD | Theme
This is NOT my mix but rather the first mix my boyfriend gave me long long ago in December. The note enclosed: "Enjoy your audio antidote designed to pick you up out of those pensive doldrums." He even …
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