
Member Since: 10/3/2005
Total Mixes: 22
Total Feedback: 3

superego's Mixes

superego's Favorite Mixes

superego's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
From the 70s on, my 'decades project' is split between, well, not so much genres but moods a bit. However, no strict rules were applied. This one mostly covers mainstream Rock / Pop / Folk from that er …
CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Mixed Genre
While mixing genres can be tricky for more recent music, it seemed to me that tunes as different from each other as 'Moon River'and 'Sympathy for the Devil' still go together well. So here's the first  …
MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
Part of a work-in-progress-mix-project that will dedicate from 1 to 3 mixes to each decade. This particular one is the only 50s mix so far, but at close to 2 hours should be split in two soon.
MP3 Playlist | Electronic
Beats, Guitars, dirty, witty, hedonistic, existentialist... it's all there and never slows down. Two older songs open and close the mix, give it some sense of tradition (oh, and I just realized that th …
CD | Theme
A real Throwaway: looking for songs with numbers on my HD and then selecting one from each number (if there were more than one). Maybe I should have done a Sudoku instead.
CD | Mixed Genre
Just couldn't wait 'til the end of the year. I'll revise later. Or I'll do a second one.
CD | Mixed Genre
Spending my 80s childhood listening to crappy radio and discovering my parents' record collection - the better part stemming from the 60s and 70s, the rest consisting of older artists' qualitatively qu …